043 740 4005 or 043 422 0120

Foundation Phase

Foundation Phase

Foundation Phase

Gonubie Primary – Foundation Phase

In the Foundation Phase, emphasis is placed on developing the pupil’s knowledge, understanding and skills in reading, writing, spelling and mathematics as well as speaking and listening. As this is their introduction to formal academic work, we aim to lay an excellent foundation to set the tone for future learning.

Our pupils are encouraged to explore the world around them, ask thought-provoking questions, begin to form opinions and develop critical thinking skills in a healthy environment.

We do this by incorporating fun into our learning at every opportunity.  Fun Days are organized each term by the teachers where the pupils come to school dressed up in bug costumes, book character costumes, wild animal outfits and a host of others to fit in with the theme being taught in the classroom. The pupils then enjoy a day filled with fun activities relating to their theme.

Pupils learn as much outside the classroom as inside and so, besides the class outings our pupils enjoy to various places in and around East London, we offer an extensive extra-mural programme for our Foundation Phase pupils.  This programme aims to create a love for all sports and cultural activities and to promote the importance of a healthy lifestyle.  Our young pupils are encouraged to become involved with as many extra-murals as they can.

Besides their academic development, our caring Foundation Phase staff nurture the social, spiritual and emotional well-being of our pupils. We stress the importance of moral values through our RICE core values and we encourage empathy for others.  All pupils are encouraged to achieve to the best of their ability, and we strive to meet the learning needs of all our children. For this reason, we offer Remedial lessons, Speech & Language lessons as well as Occupational Therapy on campus for those pupils who have need of these services.

We aim to develop confident, happy and well-rounded pupils who are able to seize a variety of opportunities in order to discover where their gifts lie and so begin their journey of learning for life!

Get in touch anytime!

+27 43 740 4005 or +27 43 422 0120